it's the leaving that's hard

originally written: 19/4/22

originally posted: 22/12/23

characters: marisol serrano ortiz, nastka

relationships: marisol serrano ortiz & nastka

additional notes: fire, minor self deprecation, mentions of recent trauma

summary: beginning of a scene post marisol and her followers running away where nastka attempts to comfort her.

unfinished, annihilation is the beginning-verse, word count: 296

Marisol leans closer to the slowly dying fire and sticks her hands in. She drops the rest of the branches in and heats the fire back up, letting it return to a roaring flame once more before dropping back down onto her still unused sleeping bag. She sighs and resigns herself to just a couple more hours of tending to the fire before she can rest for a bit. Staring into the fire to pass the time, she tries to ignore the ache in her chest at what had transpired in recent weeks, she had done what’s right and that’s all that matters.

After a few minutes she hears a rustling coming from behind her, where most people are sleeping, and then familiar footsteps approach. She can’t bear to face reality, however, and keeps staring at the comforting flames that continue to illuminate the creeping ever-closer trees that surround the clearing they had found two days ago. The footsteps stop directly behind her.

“Marisol…” ve begin hesitantly, “You didn’t sleep, nu?” The disappointment in vir tone is almost palatable, and Nastka’s Latvian accent has seeped into vir voice, which Marisol is one of the few ways to know that ve just woke up.

She snorts and finally tears her eyes away from the fire, of course she hadn’t slept, she needed to keep guard, needed to protect, to tend to the fire. She couldn’t do any of that if she was asleep. She couldn’t be useful if she was asleep. Marisol turns to look at Nastka and grins at vir.

“‘Course not! Have stuff to do.” Marisol tries her best to be reassuring and energetic but her tone seems to fall flat, if Nastka’s pinched eyebrows and shake of vir head is anything to go by.

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