wip extracts!

welcome to the den of my random wips, both abandonded and active! i hope you guys like something you find here. included on this page will be the summary, completion status, what larger story universe it's a part of, ships, word count and original post date.

-'haunted house wip'
summary: the introductory snippet to a story based around the idea of a 1960s couple moving into a haunted house and Valerie's struggle with a thinly veiled abuse metaphor.

writing on haitus, one off, valerie irvine nee jackson/neil irvine, word count: 299, orignally written & posted: 15/12/23

-'it's the leaving that's hard'
summary: beginning of a scene post marisol and her followers running away where nastka attempts to comfort her.

unfinished, annihilation is the beginning-verse, marisol serrano ortiz & nastka, word count: 296, originally written: 19/4/22, originally posted: 22/12/23

webmaster: flowingleaves, contact me at: andygalaxy404@gmail.com, 2024 :)